A lot of businesses have their data in separate source system, which makes it difficult to access reports across the enterprise. Moreover, the data quality would not clean enough to support decision making which is the issue you may need to address. Due to these factors a lot of businesses are struggling because thought process in building a data warehouse appliance is not as simple as preparing other systems. However, if you get it right it can have a massive impact on your business. Many business organisations have employed this system to analyse trends over the years to make and plan strategies.

A data warehouse appliance is an all in one solution for hardware, database software networking software. This application allows you to pick up data from disks, filter it and present it out to build queries from large databases. Also, you need to ensure that your appliance has been designed, built and delivered correctly as even after its construction has been completed, your user requirements may still be changing. Therefore, it is recommended to optimise the design to give you the performance and scalability you may need at a later date, but it allows you to process the data efficiently.

There is a major difference between data warehouse appliance and business intelligence. There is a great confusion caused by both the terms regarding their connotation. While the latter means the technology used to create a bank of data, business intelligence refers to using various methods to compare and interpret information and content in a motive to improve efficiency. However both of these applications work together to give the end user the exact information required. These tools are created to help identify trends through past accumulated transactional data. While the data warehouse holds transactional information, business intelligence reviews the data. Any person working on these applications must be equipped with information technology skills.

One of the major advantages of data warehouse is that even though the contented is expunged a number of times, the abstracts can be saved safely for indefinite period of time. The employees who are required to use this application should be well trained in database building and management. In order to make full use of this application, they should be proficient in statistics. This process will become easier if you involve your staff from the beginning of the project which will help you to deal with business intelligence challenges.

3/18/2015 08:10:35 pm

Hey nice article yar. Just got a project from dataware house. Can you explain briefly about data storage.

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